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  1. Hi,
    I currently run a website that features a new fly tying video (for free) every week.  I thought you and your readers might be interested:  http://www.theweeklyfly.com

    Any chance of a link exchange?
    If you’d like, I can provide you with some embeddable videos for your site.  I know what a grind it can be to constantly come up with new content.

    I’m also sending you a discount code for our Subscription to the downloadable HD Versions of the videos available at http://www.shop.theweeklyfly.com .  Its good for 33% off of the Subscription through April 13th 2011.  All the download videos are in Full Resolution and region independent.  Please feel free to share it with your members.

    Coupon code: US100413

    Feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions and thanks so much for your time,

    Henry Harrison

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